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Shipping Goods from Great Britain to Northern Ireland in 2024 : Your Questions Answered
Shipping Goods from Great Britain to Northern Ireland in 2024 : Your Questions Answered

Shipping Goods from Great Britain to Northern Ireland in 2024 : Your Questions Answered

shipping goods from great britain to northern ireland

With the changes brought about by Brexit, shipping goods from Great Britain to Northern Ireland (GB to NI) has become more complex, with businesses and individuals alike having to navigate new rules and regulations. In this Q & A style blog post, we’ll address some of the most common questions related to shipping goods from GB to NI post Brexit.

Table of Contents

Q1: What is the Northern Ireland Protocol, and how does it affect shipping goods from GB to NI?

A: The Northern Ireland Protocol is part of the Brexit Withdrawal Agreement and was implemented to avoid a hard border between Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland. As a result, Northern Ireland remains in the EU’s single market for goods, while the rest of the UK does not. This means that goods moving from GB to NI are subject to certain checks and controls to ensure compliance with EU rules. 

Q2: Do I need to complete a customs declaration when shipping goods from GB to NI?

A: Yes, you will need to fill out a customs declaration when moving goods to Northern Ireland, this is also often call a TSS declaration. Goods moving from GB to NI are considered ‘internal UK movements’ but due to the Northern Ireland Protocol (see Q1), they are also treated as if they are entering the EU. As a result customs declarations are required. At Nationwide Courier Service we are registered with the Trader Support Service (TSS) and are able to offer simplified declarations. 

Q3: Are there any goods that face additional restrictions when shipped from GB to NI?

A: Yes, certain goods face additional restrictions when shipped from Great Britain to Northern Ireland. For example, products of animal origin, plants and plant products are subject to Sanitary and Phytosanitary (SPS) checks to ensure they meet EU standards. Additionally there are specific requirements for controlled goods such as tobacco, alcohol and firearms. It is important to check whether your goods fall under any of these categories before shipping.  If you have any questions regarding restricted goods, give us a call on 0115 986 5276. 

restricted goods for shipping from great britain to northern ireland

Q4: What documentation is required for shipping goods from GB to NI?

A: The documentation required can vary depending on the type of goods being shipped but generally you will only need a Commercial Invoice, Packing List and Customs Declaration. 

Q5: Will I have to pay duties and taxes?

A: There are no duties on goods moving from GB to NI as long as the goods remain in NI, and are at ‘no risk’ of moving into the EU. If goods are deemed ‘at risk’ of entering the EU market, duties may apply. VAT is still applicable and businesses must continue to account for VAT on transactions. 

Q6: What happens if my goods are delayed or stopped at the border?

A: If your goods are delayed or stopped at the border, it is usually due to incomplete or incorrect documentation. Partnering with an experienced courier or logistics provider can prevent this, as they can check all documentation before it is submitted to ensure it is correct, as well as completing your declaration for you to ensure that it is filled out correctly. 

Q7: What steps can I take to ensure a smooth shipping process?

A: There are several steps you can take to ensure smooth shipping, including: 

  • Staying Informed: keeping up to date with the latest government guidance.
  • Work with a logistics provider: working with an experienced courier or freight forwarder.
  • Preparing Documentation: Ensure you prepare all necessary documentation before shipping. 

Q8: Where can I find more information about shipping goods from Great Britain to Northern Ireland?

A: For the latest information you can visit the government website, which offers comprehensive guidance on post Brexit trade rules. You can also give us a call on 0115 986 5267

a picture of the Giants Causeway in Northern Ireland - Northern Ireland Courier